Micro & Nano Metrology
The Group
What we do
As part of a National Metrology Institute, our mission is:
Developing and fostering scientific research in metrology
Provide metrological services to accreditated laboratories and industries
Disseminate the available knowledge to the economy and to society
Our fields of research regards the quantitative study of surfaces at the micro and nanoscale, defining measurands and procedures for uncertainty analysis.
Surface Metrology
Surfaces are the interfaces between different states of matter, primarily solid and fluid, and their analysis is crucial for understanding object-environment interactions. Surface irregularities affect characteristics like shape and finish, which can be quantified through roughness and texture parameters. Accurate measurement technology is essential for characterizing machined surfaces, ensuring functionality, detecting defects, and improving product quality. Since surface properties significantly influence an object's overall performance, surface metrology is important for quantitative analysis. Our research focuses on developing innovative tools and methodologies for surface measurement, particularly in functional surface metrology across various industries, including semiconductors, automotive, aerospace, energy and biomedical sectors.
Nanotechnology covers various scientific fields focused on systems with dimensions in the nanoscale range, i.e. (1–100) nm. Its growth is driven by the unique chemical and physical properties of materials and the semiconductor industry's need for miniaturization. Nanometrology addresses specific measurement needs across different areas. Dimensional nanometrology involves quantitative measurements of size, shape, roughness, position, and orientation of nano-objects. It encompasses all aspects of measurement, including defining measurands, procedures, and uncertainty assessment. This field is crucial because the functional properties of materials at the nanoscale are strictly influenced by size and surface area. Dimensional nanometrology aids nanoscience by developing new measurement methods and characterizing reference materials.
In this section you can find a list of our scientific publications in scientific journals, allowing the dissemination of research results and innovations in the nano and micro metrology field.
We work on projects which involve the collaborations between research institutes, universities, and industries from different countries to address scientific and technological challenges.
Projects may have national, European or industrial fundings.
We have open positions for PhD, internships and bachelor and master thesis regarding micro and nanometrology.
Metrological services
As a National Metrology Institute, INRiM provides a wide range of calibration and measurement services, which ensure traceability to SI (International System of Units) according to the ILAC-P10 criteria "ILAC Policy on the Traceability of Measurement Results".
INRiM is a signatory to the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) promoted by the Comité International des Poids et Measures (CIPM) concerning the mutual recognition of the national measurement standards and the calibration and measurement certificates issued by the National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) of the countries that signed this agreement.
Our Calibration Measurement Capabilities (CMCs) included in the CIPM MRA agreement are published on the database KCDB of the BIPM (https://www.bipm.org/kcdb/).
For technical information on specific calibration and measurement services and requests for quotations:
Roughness standards
Step Height/Groove Depth standards
1D Gratings/2D Gratings & Nanoparticles
Our Roughness CMCs
Complex geometry , Surface texture: 0.01 µm to 20 µm
Roughness standard (ISO 5436-1 type C, D): ISO roughness parameters
Absolute expanded uncertainty: 1.0E1 nm to 6.0E2 nm
Q[10 nm, 30E-03 Ra]
Stylus profilometry
Parameters: Ra and RqComplex geometry , Surface texture: 0.01 µm to 20 µm
Roughness standard (ISO 5436-1 type C, D): ISO roughness parameters
Absolute expanded uncertainty : 2.0E1 nm to 7.0E2 nm
Q[20 nm, 35E-03 Rz]
Stylus profilometry
Parameters: Rz and Rp, Rv, Rt
Standard: ISO 4287, ISO 4288
Complex geometry , Surface texture: 50 µm to 500 µm
Roughness standard (ISO 5436-1 type C): ISO roughness parameters
Absolute expanded uncertainty: 0.5 µm
Stylus profilometry
Parameter: RSm
Our Step Height CMCs
Complex geometry , Surface texture: 0.01 µm to 15 µm
Depth standard (ISO 5436-1 type A): depth d
Absolute expanded uncertainty: 1 nm to 7.1E1 nm
Q[1 nm, 4.7E-03 d]
Stylus profilometryComplex geometry , Surface texture: 0.01 µm to 20 µm
Depth standard (ISO5436-1 type A): depth d
Absolute expanded uncertainty: 2.2 nm to 2.0E2 nm
Q[2.2 nm, 11E-03 d]
Interference microscopy
Our Nanoscale CMCs
Linear dimensions, Line standards: 0.3 µm to 50 µm
1-D grating: pitch p, non-sinusoidal profile
Absolute expanded uncertainty: 1.5E-2 nm to 2.5 nm
0.05E-03 p
Laser diffractometer
Measurement area: Measurement area: 1 mm2 to 70 mm2
Various dimensional, Reference materials: 5 nm to 500 nm : 5 nm to 500 nm
Standard particle: particle size h
Absolute expanded uncertainty: 1.8 nm to 1.2E1 nm
1.8 nm + 0.02 h
Metrological Atomic Force Microscope
We collaborate with universities providing courses on measurements and metrology at the micro and nanoscale.
Here you can find the major conferences at which we participate.
We take part in educational events to spread science to society and new generations.
metrological Atomic Force Microscope (mAFM)
INRiM metrological AFM is a custom-made instrument that uses an interferometric system to control relative tip-sample motion, enabling 3D measurements traceable to the International System on samples such as nanoparticles, nanostructures, quantum dots, and NEMS. In addition, through calibration of transfer standards, as demonstrated by CMCs concerning the analysis of step samples and spherical nanoparticles, we are able to give traceability to “secondary” NMI instruments and end-user instruments (e.g., AFM, SEM, TEM, DLS).
Main characteristics:
sample XY maximum range: (10 x 10) mm
maximum scan range XY: (25 x 25) µm
maximum piezo Z displacement: 2 µm
Z resolution: 0.1 nm
XY resolution: 5 nm to 10 nm
Stylus Profilometer
Stylus profilometers are high-precision instruments that measure the topography of profiles through the contact of a fine tip with the surface. It is used to analyze roughness and step-height reference samples, fundamental for research and industry.
Main characteristics:
Z motion calibrated through the use of piezoelectric transducers, which in turn is calibrated interferometrically
the tungsten tip is calibrated by an interferometrically calibrated ceramic sphere
measurement range: step from 5 nm to 10 mm
Z resolution: 0.5 nm
Optical Profilometer
Optical profilometers are precision instruments used to measure the topography of surfaces without contact, by employing confocal and interferometric techniques. These devices provide detailed data on surface roughness and morphology, which are essential for various technological and industrial sectors.
Main characteristics:
optical profilometer with Intensity Confocal (CM) and Interferometric (CSI, PSI) technologies
traceability provided by interferometric calibration of XYZ axes and by using calibrated 2D gratings
XYZ range: (114 x 75 x 180) mm
XY resolution: 0.2 µm to 1 µm (depending on the modality and objective used)
Z resolution: 2 nm to 25 nm with CM, 1 nm CSI, 0.1 nm PSI
Focus Variation instrument
Focus variation devices are advanced optical measurement tools used to capture the 3D topography of surfaces with high precision. They operate by varying the focus of a light source to obtain detailed images of the surface at different depths.
Main characteristics:
Advanced Focus-Variation: it combines the functionalities of a roughness measuring instrument and a coordinate measuring machine, allowing to measure workpieces with steep flanks and smooth, reflective and high polished surfaces
Vertical Focus Probing allows the measurement of flanks with more than 90° and holes and pillars
XYZ range: (200 x 200 x 180) mm
Z resolution: 15 nm to 250 nm (depending on the objective)
Chromatic Confocal Point Sensor
Chromatic confocal point sensors use the chromatic separation of light to accurately measure without contact the shape and surface roughness, as well as the thickness of surface layers on a wide variety of objects, which can be reflective or dispersive, opaque or transparent, rough or shiny.
Main characteristics:
Up to 66 kHz sampling rate
Probe A: range 100 µm, resolution 2 nm
Probe B: range 10 mm, resolution 22 nm
Possibility for thickness measurements
Tabletop Scanning Electron Microscope
A tabletop scanning electron microscope (SEM) uses a focused electron beam that allows much higher resolution and magnification compared to an optical microscope. It offers the benefit of being compact, permitting to quickly and easily obtain high-quality images of samples.
Main characteristics:
magnification range from 15x to 30000x
accelerating voltages: 5 kV and 15 kV
maximum sample size: 70 mm diameter
maximum sample thickness: 50 mm
lateral resolution: about 30 nm
depth of field > 1 mm
EDX elemental analysis
low vacuum permits to analyze non-conductive sample
Research Infrastructures in INRiM
Universities and Research Centers
National Metrology Institutes
“There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom”
Richard Feynman – 1948
Contact us
Strada delle Cacce 91
10135, Turin, Italy